Controversial Ice Cream Flavors

ice cream cones
Most Controversial Flavors

Contraversial ice cream flavors are flavors of ice cream which are debated as actually being yummy or satisfactory.

  1. Mint Chocolate Chip
  2. Pistachio
  3. Cookie Dough
Ice Cream image
Mint Chocolate Chip Controversy

Mint chocolate chip is one of the most famous because not everyone agrees that mint tastes good in ice cream. It reminds them of toothpaste. Another issue is the bright green color...

Pistachio ice cream image
Pistachio Ice Cream Controversy

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

Pistachio ice cream is often green, but pistachios are not actually green.

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Cookie Dough Ice Cream Controversy

The controversy here is due to concern about ingestion of raw cookie dough.

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